Festivals & Camps & Special Events
Santa Barbara Country Dance Society
Santa Barbara festivals and special events Other festivals and special events recommended by Santa Barbara dancers; follow links for details

Harvest Moon Dance Festival

Winter Dreams
English Country Ball & Weekend

January: Contra Carnivale weekend in San Luis Obispo, Martin Luther King Birthday weekend

January: Jane Austen Evening (L.A.)

February or March: Fiddling Frog Dance Festival (L.A.)

March or April: BACDS Playford Ball

April: Queer Contra Dance Camp at Monte Toyon (near Santa Cruz)

May: San Diego May Faire Ball

May: May Madness (Prescott, AZ)

May: Annual Dancing Bears Dance Camp (Wasilla, Alaska)

Memorial Day Weekend: Camp Sturtevant Contra Dance Weekend

All Summer: American Week, English Week, American-English Week, and many other CDSS camps (East coast)

June, Father's Day weekend: KCBX Live Oak Music Festival (San Luis Obispo County)

June: Admiral Nelson Ball (Anaheim)

June: BACDS Hey Days, BACDS English Dance and Music Week (near Los Gatos, CA)

July: BACDS American Week

July: BACDS Family Week

August: BACDS San Francisco Contra Weekend–Balance the Bay

Labor Day Dance Away in the San Bernardino mountains

Labor Day weekend: Northwest Passage Dance Camp English Country Dance Weekend

September or October: Southern California Playford-to-the-Present Ball

October: Santa Barbara Old Time Fiddlers' Festival (in Goleta)

October: Fall Frolick: Fall Dance Weekend  in Sonoma County. English Country Dancing.

November: Dance in the Desert (Oracle, AZ)

Note: the above is not a comprehensive list nor does it wish to be one. Nevertheless, if you're a Santa Barbara dancer, feel free to recommend additional events to list here. All are welcome to send corrections.

Festivals All Over

See the comprehensive festival reference: The Dance Gypsy

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