Winter 2017-18 Contra Dance Schedule
and membership information

On This Page:

• Membership Information •
• Current Schedule •

Dancing may be best for your brain!

[ Become a Member ]

Members save $2 per contra dance evening*, support the SBCDS, and receive a handsome personalized membership button. Upon joining, members also receive two dance passes to give to two of their not-yet-dancing friends.

Membership is $30 per calendar year. Note there is no prorating. The earlier in the year you join the more you could save.

Special! Join for next year in December and receive membership rate in December.

Support our Dance Community and save at every dance*

— Pay for Membership Online —

Enter below your first name as you would like it to appear on your membership button:

Name on button

— Pay for Membership at Our Dance —

Simply bring $30 cash or check to our contra dance, filling out your email address, and preferred name for the membership button.

*Member savings do not apply to student/teen rate, special events such as Harvest Moon, or to English Country dances.


Winter 2017-18 Contra Dance Schedule—Sundays [ Previous Schedules

december 2017
3 Jacqui Ann Grennan Rhythm Method
10 DANCE CANCELED due to air quality and travel concerns
17 DANCE CANCELED due to concerns over air quality and unpredictable winds
24 NO DANCE on Christmas Eve
25 Monday DANCE CANCELED—Couldn't put a band together! (Traditional Free Dance on Christmas)
29 Friday THIS WILL BE OUR FREE DANCE! 7:30 to 10:30 special dance time
Frannie Marr Box Percolate (Audrey Knuth, Amy Englesberg, Alex Sturbaum)
31 NO DANCE on New Year's Eve
january 2018
7 Jacqui Ann Grennan Hidden Fifth
21 Andy Shore Devil's Box String Band
28 Jon Southard High Strung
February 2018
11 Jacqui Ann Grennan Devil's Box String Band
18 Scott Higgs Shira Kammen, Jim Oakden, Charlie Hancock (Winter Dreams band)
* We give up a few Sundays each year so others will have an opportunity to rent the hall on a Sunday night.
Contra dances @ Carrillo Ballroom unless otherwise stated.
100 E. Carrillo St.
Santa Barbara, CA

Dance time: 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. unless otherwise stated.
New dancer orientation: one-half hour before dance time.

Admission: $12, except when it's more, or less, as stated.

Discounts: Members, $2 discount; Teens and students to 24, $5 admission; 12 and under, free. No discount for festivals.

Dance every Sunday except where noted.

Christmas Night (December 25) dance most years, usually free. Usual starting time, 6:30 p.m.

Refreshments provided by dancers like you. Drinking fountain in the Ballroom Lobby. Stay hydrated.

On occasion, a dance is canceled, rescheduled, or relocated; always double check before traveling for a dance. Personnel, price and schedule are subject to change.

Santa Barbara contra dances are brought to you by the Santa Barbara Country Dance Society and the City of Santa Barbara Parks & Recreation Department.

Santa Barbara City Parks & Recreation Dept.

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